Faculty Activities
- Prof. Changrok Soh Participated in the 142nd Session of the Human Rights Committee (14 Oct – 7 Nov, 2024) 2024.11.15
- Professor Suh-Yong Chung appointed as a Member of the President’s National Council on Sustainable Development 2024.10.21
- Professor Suh-Yong Chung’s collaboration with Tel Aviv University and Australian National University 2024.09.02
- Prof. Suh-Young Chung’s research collaboration with Tilburg University of the Netherlands 2024.07.25
- Prof. Changrok Soh Participated in the 141st Session of the Human Rights Committee (01 – 23 July, 2024) 2024.07.25
News & Events
- Hiring Now (~Dec 18): Senior Manager, Climate (SEEA) at The Children’s Investment Fund Foundation 2024.11.29
- [BK21, OIH] 2024-2 KU SOUL TOUR 학술문화체험행사(신청마감 deadline: 11/28) 2024.11.21
- [월드비전] 제3회 아동미래연구 공모전 최종 보고회 2024.11.18
- 2025 IDP 수능 유학박람회 안내 2024.11.15
- [서울대 국제이주와포용사회센터] <포용사회와 변화> 초청세미나 제6회 2024.11.14